Former Farmers Hotel Stabilization
Maintaining a historic link to Cincinnati’s Porkopolis days
The former Farmer’s Hotel is Northside’s oldest commercial building, and only remaining former hotel along Colerain Avenue that once catered to farmers as they drove livestock into the City during the Porkopolis days. Following City Historic Landmark designation, this structure was saved from demolition and stabilized for future redevelopment in 2014 by the Hamilton County Landbank.
Historical Highlight: Link to Historic Porkopolis
When the Farmer’s Hotel opened in 1859, it was one of a number of hotels serving the farmers driving their livestock into the thriving City of Cincinnati from points north. Over the years, those other hotels have shuttered their doors and given way to the wrecking ball, leaving 4000 Colerain as the last Northside link to Cincinnati’s meatpacking heyday.
The oldest commercial building in Northside, and one of the few remaining that was built when the community was known as Cumminsville, the hotel featured a saloon, dining room, and ballroom on the third floor with lodgings on the lower two floors. The lot the structure stands on retains its open space, previously used to pen livestock.
Historic Structure Stabilization Program
Preserving important, vacant historic structures for re-use and redevelopment.
With the funds allocated to the Program, the Landbank funds stabilization work on vacant, historic structures in furtherance of the mission of the Landbank. The Landbank has formed an advisory group made up of local preservationists to assist in prioritizing the use of funds.
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