Luke Herrmann
Senior Development Associate
Luke Herrmann joined The Port team in 2021 as Landbank Associate. In 2024, he was promoted to Senior Development Associate. In this role, he is responsible for reviewing and managing applications for vacant parcels and buildings, including helping applicants through the process, tracking property tax foreclosures, monitoring sheriff sales, researching tax-delinquent properties, and expanding post-closing compliance.
Prior to joining The Port, Luke worked for Colerain Township on its code enforcement team and graduated from Public Allies, an AmeriCorps program. Through Public Allies, he partnered with St. Vincent de Paul, where he worked with its Social Services team to provide rent and utility assistance for those impacted by COVID and other life emergencies. Luke also previously worked as a co-op with the City of Kettering, Ohio, and Kenton County, Kentucky’s Planning and Development Services Department.
Herrmann attended the University of Cincinnati, where he graduated with a bachelor’s in urban planning.